Grants and Student Awards

Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund

Are you a 2023-24 grantee? Click here for important information about final reporting

Priorities & Criteria

The Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund was established in memory of Edith H. Turner, a lifelong Hamiltonian and only child of Sarah Jane and George A. Turner, a developer in the north east Hamilton. Edith H. Turner died in 1983.

The purpose of the Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund is to assist and provide funds in the fields of education, health, humanities and social development in Hamilton.

The Edith H. Turner Fund supports evidence-informed programs and services designed to support children/youth; families, adults and seniors in Hamilton who are experiencing marginalization.  Grants are generally one-year in duration and range from $2,000 to $25,000.

The fund is specifically interested in investing in organizations achieving significant impact providing services and programming across the following program areas:

The Foundation will be looking for applications which:

The fund does not support:

How to apply

Access the online application portal here.  Before you apply, please read the following carefully: