Caroline Stoakes was born on July 9, 1914 in Nottingham, England. She attended university on a scholarship before working at Boot’s Chemists. During the Second World War, Caroline met Harry...
“If people need our service, they will need it for life,” says Cindy Kinnon, Chief Executive Officer of AbleLiving, a housing and support organization for people with disabilities. “We support...
For about thirty years, Marjorie Lillian Allan was the friend of thousands of students and their teachers as secretary at Delta Collegiate, a position previously held by her sister, Dorothy...
Noting that HCF is “our local specialist in building and holding endowment funds,” The Art Gallery of Hamilton entrusted the management of its endowment fund to Hamilton Community Foundation in...
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. has been a key player in Hamilton’s history since 1912 and is known for over a century of service to this community. This year, the company has...
This fund supports services which provide care and assistance to seniors who are mentally and/or physically disabled and those services which help alleviate the stress on the caregiver.
Hamilton lost a remarkable citizen recently – one whose name will never make the front page, but whose generosity will have an impact on her community forever. This friend of...
Ike Ahmed was thinking about the past, the present and the future when he created the Ike and Shahnaz Ahmed Foundation Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation last November. The past...
Donald Joseph Allan, a Burlington resident, was a long time employee of Howell Packaging Limited. Upon his death in 1993 at the age of 53, the Foundation was notified of...
When Josephine Bliss approached the Foundation in 1989 to create a fund in memory of her parents, it was consistent with the way she lived her life – considerate, intelligent...
The Brehms have confidence in HCF’s decision-making Marnie Brehm has been involved with Hamilton Community Foundation since the 1980s, as a Board member and a contributor. She knows it...
A lifelong resident of Hamilton, Anne Marion Biggar was a daughter of a former City Mayor, Sanford D. Biggar. Remaining alert and active until she died in her nineties at...
Ella Baird enjoyed a remarkable life and career as a pioneer in industrial nursing. The eldest of ten, she was born in a log cabin built by her Scottish grandfather...
Dorothy Broadbent, was a devout and lifelong member of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church where she was actively involved in many aspects of church life, especially the Women’s Missionary Society. Mrs....
Gilbert Percival Vincent Belton came to Canada from England after World War I and worked in construction as a carpenter. His brother, Wilfred, recalled that they had worked together on...
John and Sandra Black’s philanthropy is directed to meeting Hamilton’s greatest needs. They particularly like HCF’s research-based approached to understanding community needs and the best way to meet them, as...
A quest to raise funds and awareness about the needs of Hamilton kids led local adventurers and philanthropists on a 30-day hike on the Bruce Trail. Starting at Queenston on...
The challenges of mental illness were a central concern for Marjorie Clark and they are a continuing passion of her husband Hugh. “Ignorance about mental illness and the stigma surrounding...
NOTE: next application deadline is February 1, 2023. Apply online here One of the Foundation’s largest funds, the Chaney-Ensign Bursary Fund provides educational bursaries to students who demonstrate serious financial...
When friends and family recall Margaret Chetter, they describe a kind, generous , loyal and assertive person. Born Margaret Leitch in Burlington, she was educated at Branksome Hall in Toronto...
Few institutions have played a more central role in Hamilton’s life than Chedoke Hospitals – in all its incarnations, beginning with its creation in 1906 to fight tuberculosis. The Cross...
The fact that Ralph William Cooper received one of the first Cornerstone awards bestowed by the Foundation of Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals speaks volumes about the man. Born into a successful family...
Michael and Louise Creaghan share the belief that commitment to family then community is crucial. Both have volunteered extensively throughout their lives and know first-hand that working with others on...
The Clark brothers, Hugh and Alan, share a strong conviction that their personal good fortune is to be shared with the community in which their family business flourished. To that...
The Community Health Education and Research Fund was established by the Board of Directors of the Hamilton Community Foundation by incorporating the existing McGregor Clinic Fund and two new funds...
The Cygnus Fund supports Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO), a program of Bird Studies Canada, located in Port Rowan, Ontario. The purpose of the Fund is to strengthen and perpetuate...
Hundreds of young Hamiltonians and their families are enjoying cycling – some for the first time – thanks to Mike’s Bikes, a program of the Michael Chamberlain Fund at HCF....
Donald Armstrong Cooper died at the age of 86, was a well-known and respected teacher and administrator within the Hamilton Board of Education. A 1928 graduate of Queen’s University, Mr....
HCF’s Community Fund has the flexibility to support the community’s top priorities. That’s why donors like Alice Cannon have chosen to contribute to it for so many years. “My husband...
Born in 1897 in Green Valley near Ottawa, Ont., Jessie MacDonald nursed First World War veterans at Toronto’s Christie Street Hospital where she met her husband-to-be, Elmer Stanley Chagnon, a...
The granddaughter of Adam Clark, founder of the long-established (1874) local construction company and daughter of William J. and Frances Elizabeth Hunter, Miss Douglas Clark lived most of her life...
Ray Cunnington’s passion is peace. And he believes that individuals, not just nations, create the conditions for peace both locally and around the world. He’s a perfect example of putting...
Florabel Condy was an energetic and dedicated member of many local groups – Women’s Art Association, Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society, IODE, Women’s Canadian Club and the Art Galleryof Hamilton, to name...
Born in Lancaster, NY in 1905, Henrietta Rautenstrauch began her nursing career at St. Mary’s Hospital in Niagara Falls, NY where it is said she was the first nurse to...
2001 Graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Science, Honours Human Ecology. 2004 Graduated from The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of The University of...
Jane and Stewart Capell want to help someone live their dream. “We want to help someone pursue their passion – whether that passion is an environmental concern, fulfilling a void...
Laurie Connon has been on the receiving end of a stranger’s generosity and she simply wanted to return the favour. To that end, Miss Connon established a fund to support...
Born in Liverpool, England in 1904, Harold Clarke trained as a banker before emigrating to Canada where he joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. He was happiest, according to...
“You can see results of HCF’s work right here,” says Bill. “Everybody knows somebody who needs help and we get a lot of satisfaction knowing that people in our area...
While Giovanni and Grazia Criminisi never had the opportunity for formal education, they believed strongly in the power of literacy to achieve prosperity. Now, their five children have chosen to...
Vangie Crosthwaite took a great interest in documenting her family’s early history in the Hamilton area. Her ancestors settled in Bartonville, and today a street in that area bears the...
Sacrifices, rewards and a desire to simply “tell them thanks” are the inspiration for The Cowan Family Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation. The bursary fund honours Bob and Irene Cowan,...
While many brides-to-be are focused on wedding cakes and flowers, Sarah Murphy and her fiancé Jeff Howard looked beyond themselves, to the common good, as they planned their September 2008...
Hamilton treasure is HCF’s newest agency fund Establishing a long-term endowment fund at Hamilton Community Foundation has given the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum “instant credibility” with contributors says the museum’s...
Mary Lauder Cassidy, the only daughter of Edwin Cassidy, a longtime manager of the Hamilton branch of National Trust, graduated from Trinity College in 1931 with a degree in modern...
Terry Cooke joined HCF as President & CEO in 2010. In this 60th anniversary video, he reflects on HCF’s unique role in Hamilton, and the importance of “leaving the place...
When Irene Caldwell died in July 1996, her husband of 47 years, Campbell Caldwell of Burlington, decided to set up a fund in his wife’s name to honour her memory....
Mary Day graduated from McMaster University and worked with National Trust in their real estate division throughout her business career. She lived on Fairleigh Avenue South with her parents, Edwin...
In the whirl of deadlines that constitutes the newspaper business, it’s easy to forget about people, whether it’s those who once made news or those who once reported it. But...
Alphonse Dirse came to Canada in the late 1940s, having left his native Lithuania to avoid the Russia invasion. Born in 1913, the eldest of five children, he completed his...
Mary Drynan, born in 1902 in Woodstock, Ont., had decided on a career in nursing when she enrolled at the Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. Before her studies were completed, however,...
Edward Francis Dennee is remembered by his many friends as a warm and gregarious man, one who was always concerned about the needs of others. Born in Hamilton in the...
Originally from a farm near Mt. Forest, Ont., Mildred Leanna Gilstorf was a physician’s house keeper before her marriage to Walter Danby, a Hamilton homebuilding contractor. Together, they built a...
NOTE: next application deadline is October 1, 2024. Apply online here. David Davis 1951-2006 David Davis was born in Nova Scotia and educated at Dalhousie and McGill Universities. He came...
Vera Elwin, born at the turn of the century in Dymock – a tiny agricultural village in England – was in her early teens when she emigrated to Canada with...
The Russell I. Elman Fund was established with the Foundation in 1985 as a donor advised fund. Arising from Mr. Elman’s interest in the written word, the purpose of the...
Hamilton industrialist and philanthropist Eugene B. Eastburn believed in the power of education to make a difference to people and to their communities. Half a century later, his legacy to...
Shirley Elford – a celebrated glass artist known for her stunning Juno Awards sculpture, beautiful angels, one-of-a-kind pieces, and her commitment to the Hamilton community – holds back tears as...
John Frid – also known by his stage name Jonathan Frid – was an accomplished actor with a 50-year career that began in a school play at Hillfield School, the...
Isabella Flora Frid was the daughter of a country doctor and sister of the founders of the McGregor Clinic. She was renowned for her handcrafted Christmas crackers and for her...
Charitable giving and volunteering have always been important to Fengate Corporation’s corporate culture. Now, the company has enlisted the help of Hamilton Community Foundation to structure and inform its community support....
Ron Foxcroft knows the value of sport. It has opened doors for him in business and in life. He wants that chance for all kids. Owner of Hamilton-based Fluke Transportation...
Elham and Joseph Farah weren’t familiar with the community foundation concept until recently but they discovered a true meeting of minds when a friend referred them to Hamilton Community Foundation....
The late Ellen Fairclough’s contributions to public life are widely known: her groundbreaking leadership as Canada’s only female Member of Parliament in 1950 and her status as the country’s first...
Heidi Balsillie feels her new partnership with HCF is “a great way to connect with my past and, at the same time, contribute to a vital future for the city...
Gina Fraser wants to invest in the future by helping young people, who would not otherwise have the opportunity, to pursue a career in the trades. She turned to Hamilton...
James Lewis Gibson Fund has been established with a purpose to assist in the payment of medical and health care expenses, including expenses related to nursing, respite care and health...
Dubbed ‘Freddie’ by a childhood friend, Alice Mary Glassco continued to be known affectionately by the nickname by generations of grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friends. The third of six children,...
Blunt-spoken and fiercely independent, but with the softest of hearts, Alice Redman Gooch enjoyed life to the fullest throughout her almost 92 years. The daughter of an inventor, Mrs. Gooch...
T. H. L. “Shiner” Gallagher was born in 1900 in Ottawa and grew up on Montreal and Toronto, where he attended Lower Canada College, Montreal and St. Andrew’s in Toronto....
NOTE: next application deadline is October 1, 2025. The next round of applications will open in early August 2025. These wonderful entertainers, all over age 60 – and some well...
Local arts and culture lover Gail Robinson-Gow is the first donor to HCF’s Arts Endowment Fund. Gail has been interested in Hamilton’s cultural scene since moving here in 1980. “Hamilton’s...
David Gow was not a wealthy man, but he really believed in giving back to the community where he lived and worked. He was a volunteer for dozens of organizations...
As the first person in her family to go to university, psychiatrist Dr. Lindsey George understands the power of education as a pathway to prosperity. “My parents immigrated here in...
Tara Giuliani was admired by all for her courage and determination to finish her education despite the onset of blindness resulting from diabetes. Tara had developed diabetes at the age...
This fund supports initiatives that address and build on the concept of family values within the community, especially in the area of seniors, children and youth.
Catherine Gretton was not easily intimidated. In Sudbury in 1978, when her husband was a company representative on the negotiating committee during a long strike at the Inco nickel mines,...
Justine and Rick Giuliani began their association with Hamilton Community Foundation a decade ago, when their eldest daughter was living with the severe complications of juvenile diabetes and they began...
Dr. Ronald Graham’s illustrious 50-year association with McMaster University touched every aspect of campus life. He served as the university’s first bedel, sat on the Senate, chaired the department of...
“I believe in helping a worthy person who doesn’t have the means,” Daniel Giannini said, reflecting on the main reason he has established a fund for bursaries to assist medical...
Mary Josephine Heels, born August 25, 1908, had a life-long passion for music, and church music in particular. An accomplished pianist and singer, Mary was the contralto soloist at Zion...
The Lee Hepner Music Award Fund was established in 1986 in memory of Dr. Lee Hepner, founder and conductor of the McMaster Symphony Orchestra and co-founder of the Hamilton Philharmonic...
John Milton Walter Hahn, born in Mildmay in 1903, lived in Kitchener until he came to Hamilton in 1927. He was employed at the G.T. French Paper Company and later...
Murray Hogarth is the founder of Pioneer Energy LP, sponsors of HCF’s 60th anniversary. In this 2014 video he discusses why he chose Hamilton Community Foundation as an efficient vehicle...
Mildred Evelyn Clark was born September 22, 1910 in Bridgeburg, near Fort Erie. When her mother died and her father remarried, Mildred, then 11 years of age, went to live...
The Hamilton Spectator Summer Camp Fund is used to provide camperships to children whose families could not otherwise afford the cost of summer camp. Funds are distributed to day and...
For John Hutton, establishing the Hutton Family Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation is a way to engage future generations of his family in giving back to the community. John and...
Helen Harrison was born in Hamilton in 1905, graduated from Loretto Academy and took a job as a secretary at Firestone. Her first big summer holiday was a trip to...
The digital world is a passion for local entrepreneur Chris Farias. So is Hamilton. And so is philanthropy. By creatively combining the three – and with help from the community...
Florence Eleanor Spence Hutton was born and educated in Hamilton and employed by the Ontario Department of Labour to inspect and report on conditions in factories throughout Southern Ontario. During...
Christine Hamilton embodied many of the best characteristics of this city. She arrived here as an immigrant in 1949. (She put a hatpin in a map and “it stuck in...
We’ve always known that HCF staff are committed to this community. An outstanding measure of that commitment: they all give to Hamilton Community Foundation and have for many years. “It...
After remembering several family members, friends and two hospitals in his Will, Donald Henderson generously left the residue of his estate to the Foundation for the needs of the Hamilton...
Edward and Gladys Halloran were hard-working, down-to-earth people with a love for Hamilton and for helping others. They quietly left an extraordinary estate legacy to a number of local charitable...
Hamilton-born Francis Hutton attended Delta Collegiate before heading to the University of Toronto where he studied civil engineering. In 1941, he married Bette Margaret Brown, a girl he had met...
Barbara and Bob Harwood have been generous supporters of many Hamilton charities over the years, so their response was immediate and positive when their financial advisor, Dan Wynnyk at CIBC...
Elsie Mona Madeline Husband lived in Hamilton all her life and for the last sixty years of her life on Hess Street South in a house designed by her architect...
Clare Hunter had been a sewing teacher in her Home Economics Department at Westdale Secondary School from 1935-1959. She is remembered by a student and colleague as “elegant, intelligent, immaculate...
Ken Ingham was a respected physician and a leader in palliative care in Hamilton, but his interests and activities didn’t stop at the medical field. Dr. Ingham, who died in...
Originally from North Sydney N.S., Ralph Elliott Ingraham grew up in Guelph and became a bank teller at the age of 15. With his experience, he was assigned to the...
Like many of us, Helen Kirkpatrick grew up in a family where opportunities – piano lessons, learning to swim, weekly visits to the public library – were part of the...
Linda Hutchinson is ensuring that high standards continue in hospice and palliative care — a legacy that began with her father, Dr. Bob Kemp, a passionate crusader for quality end-of-life...
As a family physician in Stoney Creek for more than 50 years, Dr. Bob Kemp had thousands of patients. Yet he still remembers the one who spurred his passionate crusade...
Jane LeWarne’s nursing career started with the Red Cross in Dryden in 1938 and took her to many communities across Northern Ontario. She loved the north and became a keen...
As busy as Bob and Helen Lofthouse were in their careers, family and myriad community activities, they never lost sight of the needs of their community. Bob and Helen met...
Hamilton’s lawyers have come together as a community to launch a permanent endowment fund to benefit local children. Long known for their support of a myriad of causes with their...
He had a dream that wouldn’t fade, and a vision that had to be shared. With development encroaching ever further on the precious habitats of the Niagara Escarpment, he sought...
During Mabel Dickson Leadley’s 30 years of teaching at Wentworth Street Public School, up to her retirement in 1953, she successfully campaigned for pension benefits for women teachers, never dreaming...
Shelly Losani didn’t expect that being engaged in responding to community needs would feel so natural — and so important. After years of family and corporate giving she says the...
Originally from Kilsyth Scotland, Daniel Taylor Lawrie emigrated to Canada in 1906 at the age of four and spent the rest of his life in Hamilton. Upon graduation form the...
Born in Ohio, Helena Lemon and her husband Arthur lived for many years in Toronto and then moved to Waterdown. A compassionate person, Helena was deeply moved when she learned...
Who is Chaney-Ensign Bursary Fund for? The Chaney-Ensign Bursary Fund provides educational bursaries to students who demonstrate financial need and who have graduated from a publicly funded Hamilton high school....
In 1900, a young entrepreneur from London Ontario, described by his contemporaries as a “born merchant with an alert sense of promotion”, took over a Hamilton department store and renamed...
Alfred and Joan Robertshaw met on stage at the Players’ Guild—a love story with a legacy, thanks to the fund Joan established to honour Alfred’s 40-plus years in community theatre....
New family fund is a gift to Hamilton Longtime Hamilton residents Irene and David Buckley have started a named fund — the Buckley Family Foundation — within the Community Fund...
Compassion, trust and action are a winning combination. Last winter, Karen Turkstra read a Hamilton Spectator article about a snowstorm that had left many unhoused people struggling to stay warm....
Hamilton Community Foundation received two bequests that have been directed to providing bursaries for music students. These came from the estates of Irene Norris and Merle Williams. The bursaries are...
D’Arcy Argue Counsell Martin, Q.C., L.L.D. a founding Director of The Hamilton Foundation passed away in June 1992, at the age of 93. Argue Martin prepared a Private Member’s Bill...
On September 1, 1922, Doctors J.K. McGregor and F. B. Mowbray who had been practicing surgeons, joined together with four other doctors to form the McGregor-Mowby Clinic at 250 Main...
John Mayberry was not even three months into his first job at Dofasco before he was asked to help out at a community fundraiser. This first intersection of his career...
Catherine Constance Hull Murray came to Dundas from England as a child at the turn of the century. Having experienced extreme poverty in her early years, she became a generous...
Dr. Juliet Daniel’s giving enables flexibility to address changing needs Dr. Juliet Daniel is a world-renowned cancer biologist at McMaster University. Her discovery of the Kaiso gene is advancing understanding...
“I love to see things grow and bloom,” said Audrey Kershaw. The Flamborough resident is referring to her garden, but the sentiment can be equally applied to her philosophy on...
When John Marshall asked a friend to set him up on a blind date for a University of Toronto dance, he had no idea he was about to meet the...
For Joan Lindley, or “Grandma Joan” as she likes to be called, farming has been not just a way of life, but a generational legacy — one that includes philanthropy....
Culture of Peace Hamilton is a working group of the United Nations in Canada (Hamilton Branch). It is one of a worldwide cluster of groups and individuals that consider...
Chris Farias and Jared Lenover celebrated their wedding by setting up a fund at HCF to support organizations making a difference for gay and lesbian youth. “We weren’t exactly kids...
The new Serafini Family Ice & Splash Pad, located at the Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre, is a gift to Hamilton that exemplifies the family’s personal and business roots in the city,...
Over the past year a number of long-standing organizations, now in transition, have turned to HCF to create a legacy by establishing new fund. The Mount Hamilton United Church Legacy...
“Hamilton Community Foundation is the perfect home for the Martin Foundation as we transition to a new phase,” says family member Rosalind Johnston. “The legacy of the Martin family, and...
Greenestyle Fund fulfills a passion for philanthropy Growing up in the southwest/Locke Street area of Hamilton, John Greene never imagined he would be part of transforming the city he loves....
Hamilton is always home for Yvonne Farah. Having grown up here, she now promotes the Hamilton story to members of her international MBA program. She’s also feeling her way into...
Milli Fund expands family’s philanthropic impact The extraordinary entrepreneurs behind Hamilton’s iconic “Milli” women’s boutique, the Gould family, have a long tradition of philanthropy. Even in the early days of...
Giving circle crystallizes impact through HCF The Phantom Moms know a lot about the value of organized sports for kids. The 10 mothers spent more than a decade shuttling their...
Sisters continue their parents’ legacy of philanthropy The late Mark Nimigan never lost his commitment to Hamilton’s north end. He was born and raised there, and throughout a long career...
Kathy Wood already had a clear picture of how she and her husband John wanted to give to charity: she had spent her career as a trust officer helping people...
Cameron Knox MacGillivray, F.C.A., L.L.D. was born in 1905 in Chatham, Ont. Cameron MacGillivray spent most of his life in Hamilton where he had two distinguished careers. He was the...
As President & CEO from 1995 to 2009 Carolyn Milne was the driving force behind the Foundation’s strategic approach to addressing Hamilton’s complex needs. In this 60th anniversary video, she...
Terry and Brenda Yates see the community foundation’s current emphasis on education as a “natural evolutionary step” from its focus on eliminating poverty and they’ve made a significant commitment to...
Publisher ensures a legacy of giving Hamilton Community Foundation is honoured to continue lifelong newspaperman Roger Brabant’s philanthropic legacy, as the successor organization to The Brabant Foundation. Born in 1928,...
Jim Ray wishes he had found Hamilton Community Foundation sooner. After years of giving to causes they believe in, Jim and his wife Annette established a donor-advised fund at HCF....
A remarkable donation to Hamilton Community Foundation will help ensure local cats will be healthy, safe and wanted – forever. The Foundation will give an annual grant of over $65,000...
The McCallum, McBride Fund was placed under the umbrella of Hamilton Community Foundation this year, with its current directors forming the Fund Advisory Committee of the new donor advised fund....
“When women give today, one thing they want to know about is the impact they are having,” says Renate Davidson. Renate is a long-term, respected volunteer with HCF and many...
The Dougher Community Fund grew from a quiet appreciation of life in Dundas Grants from the fund are dedicated to enabling others to have the same opportunity, now and forever....
A mutual love for nature connected Ted and Karin Bossence. Their fund at HCF is an expression of this passion and their belief that the natural environment should be available...
Jane Capell has been connected with Hamilton Community Foundation for more than 20 years, including monthly giving and participation in the Women 4 Change giving circle. She is thrilled by...
Frederick James Mills died in 1970. He enjoyed a first-hand relationship with the Foundation, having been elected to the Board in 1964. Mr. Mills served in Italy during the First...
In 1986, Interval House opened as an emergency shelter. Today, the community-based agency offers comprehensive services for rural and urban women who have experienced abuse, including shelter, support, legal advocacy and...
Flora Louise McNeil is remembered for her passion for music and the great pride she took in her heritage. Her grandfather, Joseph Cline was deputy reeve of Ancaster in 1879...
Judith McCulloch was HCF’s first full-time leader. In this 60th anniversary video she reflects on the growth of the Foundation and its impact. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgM3Aq5E_9k]
Many people in Hamilton remember Robinson’s, the department store that graced James Street South for nearly 100 years. The store is now gone but the legacy left by G.W. Robinson,...
Beatrice Kemp spent a career doing good in Hamilton. That commitment continues in the form of a new HCF fund reflecting her passions for helping children and animals. Beatrice worked...
Lori Dessau Tauber and Lewis Tauber first envisioned an HCF fund as part of the couple’s Our Millennium project. They established the Hundred Waters Fund to support artists who are...
Lifelong Hamiltonian and philanthropist Frank Miller has a history of wanting to see his financial contributions at work. Mr. Miller originally intended to create bursaries for health care students...
When it comes to direct routes from Hamilton to Toronto, swimming isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind. But for Loren King, it made a good cause a...
Even after a 50-year career in teaching, Archie McQueen continues to contribute to the development of young Hamiltonians. Since retiring in 1998, Archie has been both a supply teacher and...
Lifelong Hamiltonian Frank Miller has a passion for travel — he has circled the globe four times — and an equal passion for his hometown and its citizens, tirelessly giving...
By the time he passed away last year, Jack McNie had enjoyed the great pleasure of having already donated much of what he’d earned in his career to grassroots community...
Marking a milestone. Marchese Pharmacy on James Street North has been a crucial neighbourhood resource for five decades. To mark the milestone, owner Marita Zaffiro established the Marchese Health Care 50th...
Marguerite Cino wanted to make a difference in the lives of children. As a teacher, librarian, principal and supervisor of staff development, she did that through her career with the...
Like many people, Upkar and Nita Arora felt they had taken care of basic planning — they had wills, insurance and health powers of attorney. But then, an urgent medical...
Calm, organized and efficient are among the qualities attributed to Margaret Murgatroyd by her daughter. Beth Lennard says her mother was a private person who gave a lot of her...
New fund supports families of people living with disabilities Marcia Marcaccio believed in the power of community. In a long life, she experienced both segregation as a woman with Down...
One of Hamilton’s longstanding private foundations, The Malloch Foundation, has turned to HCF to continue its legacy. Established in 1964 by Francis and Kate Malloch as a memorial to their...
Kay Nolan was born in Hamilton in 1915 to Mary Ann (O’Brien) and John J. Hunt, K.C. She was the cherished wife of Edward (Paddy) Nolan, D.F.M., C.A., dear mother...
The value of arts education for children has been well researched and documented. It enhances children’s learning by developing motor, language and literacy abilities. It provides an alternative way of...
Nan Stott and her family came to Canada from England after the First World War. They were a musical family, singers and pianists. She worked in various offices around town,...
“Look at this picture,” says Thérèse Newcomb, pointing to a drawing of a woman pulling a rainbow of multi-coloured yarn through a loom to create a beautifully intricate flower-filled...
Five years ago, Mark Nimigan was nominated to serve on the Hamilton Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. Mr. Nimigan, an official examiner who provides verbatim court reporting services to the...
Dr. Alexander Anderson Numbers, a long time Hamilton general practitioner who devoted his life to his patients and family, was still making housecalls into his late 80s. Born in Scotland,...
Florence Nichols earned a B.A. from McMaster University in 1934 and began a career in education that spanned nearly four decades, as a teacher of French and physical education. Before...
Marjorie and Bill Nelson are the type of people that any community would be proud to claim as citizens. Actively engaged in an incredible scope of community projects, clubs, good...
When the serious, courtly Major James Philip Phin married fun-loving Mary Stewart MacMillan in Pembroke on August 27, 1940, the couple intended it to be a quiet affair. The wartime...
Pioneer Energy and its long history of community support were recognized this fall when it received the corporate Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Murray Hogarth,...
Ethel Harriett Prouse was the youngest of ten children in the Bluhm family of Sullivan Township (in Owen Sound area). She worked for Bell Telephone all her life, as did...
For more than 40 years, Miss Robinson was a kindergarten teacher at W. H. Ballard School in Hamilton. Agnes Robinson remembers her sister-in-law as a bright, understanding person with a...
Dedicated, compassionate and even-tempered are some of the qualities Agnes Robinson uses to describe her husband, Dr. Harry Robinson. The pair met at the Hamilton General Hospital where she was...
The Hamilton Community Foundation has been given the privilege of safeguarding the rich history and perpetuating the memory of the Royal Canadian Humane Association, a national organization established in Hamilton...
The Rotary Club of Hamilton carries out a literacy program at north-end schools, where club members provide reading assistance to students throughout the school year. Hamilton’s first and largest Rotary...
A thriving community hub is strengthened, thanks to an anonymous HCF donor. This generous donor has established an endowment fund aimed at supporting ongoing operations at the Eva Rothwell Centre....
Born in Winnipeg and raised in Montreal, Joan Bann met her future husband, Gordon Rutherford, at McGill University in the 1930s. When Gordon accepted a position at Stelco in 1948,...
Dr. Leila Ryan was Chair of the Foundation when the Foundation decided to direct the majority of its unrestricted granting to poverty reduction – the first community foundation in Canada...
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry’s long and rich history in this community now has another tie: a permanent endowment fund at Hamilton Community Foundation. Known as the “Rileys,” RHLI is...
Ray Brillinger and Cy Hack spent a couple of years educating themselves about community foundations before they established their fund at HCF in 2014. Ray is a retired human resources...
Hamilton Community Foundation is home to Revolution Hope, an endowment fund established by Brenda and John Lewis after the tragic death of their eleven-year-old daughter, Claire, in October 2001. Claire...
Over the past year a number of long-standing organizations, now in transition, have turned to HCF to create a legacy by establishing new funds. The School Sisters of Notre Dame...
Grace Smith was a direct descendant of one of our district’s first settlers, Jacob Smith, a United Empire Loyalist who built his log cabin on a Crown Grant in the...
When it comes to having a soft spot for people in need, Fred and Ruth Spencer share one that’s perhaps a bit softer than most. This upbeat couple, now in...
Maria Antonakos and Harald Stover support the causes they care about in a variety of ways. The fund they’ve recently established at the Hamilton Community Foundation is a special pillar...
Marjorie Stewart was a homemaker for most of her life, although she had a brief wartime career as a bookkeeper. She was a lifetime member of the Women’s Auxiliary of...
Marion Shivas could name every flower, bird, tree and weed in her backyard and at the cottage on the Bruce Peninsula she owned with her husband, Bob. The enjoyment...
Angelika Sellick has no doubt that philanthropy can be taught. The fund she created at Hamilton Community Foundation, in honour of her parents, illustrates the point perfectly. “My father is...
Ed Smee, the founding Chair of the Conserver Society, led by example through his personal life work on environmental issues. He is credited by his friends at the Conserver Society...
Music, books and protecting the environment topped the list of Mable Studd’s passions. She volunteered to be treasurer for the Bach Elgar Choir where she met William Malcolm who became...
Eleanor Maude Smith was born in Toronto and lived in several small Southern Ontario communities prior to settling in Hamilton in 1925. Predeceased by both her husband Alfred Charles (1951),...
Miss Shaw enjoyed a career as a successful life underwriter with Canada Life which career started in June of 1936. Lillian had a genuine interest in people and helping with...
Leonora Spicer’s bequests to the Hamilton Foundation, Salvation Army, Scott Mission, United Church (for medical missionary work) and Red Cross exemplify her lifelong concern for the disadvantaged. Born on a...
One of Canada’s leading puppeteers in the 1920′s and 30′s, Rosalynde collected puppets from around the world and honed her skills as an apprentice with an accomplished puppet master in...
She kept company with a prince – and a movie star – but those closest to Evelyn Storms say she never lost the common touch. When she died in November...
Jeanne Scott’s great love of Hamilton and her desire to help others are nourished through her fund at Hamilton Community Foundation. Jeanne Scott learned many lessons from her mentor,...
The 53-year-old Dundas residents relish their active, semi-retired life that emphasizes fitness and a deep appreciation of the natural beauty and recreation opportunities around them in their hometown. So they’ve...
Howard Tugman was General Manager of a Studebaker dealership, Community Motors Ltd., until his retirement in 1961. The following year, he was appointed a Judge in the Hamilton Citizenship Court....
Turkstra Lumber has been operating in Hamilton and South Western Ontario for over 65 years. As active members of their community, Karen and Peter Turkstra sought to give back. The...
In his quiet, gentle way, Ninh Tran is crystal clear about the impact he wants to have with his philanthropy. “I grew up learning the value of every dollar,” says...
In October 1997, following several years of succession planning, the Board of Directors of the Edith H. Turner Foundation transferred its assets of $8.8 million into the Hamilton Community Foundation,...
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Organization, the Hamilton & District Branch of the UN Association of Canada endowed an annual bursary for a McMaster University graduate...
Early in his legal career, John VanDuzer was appointed a judge, a bestowing of authority that he accepted humbly and used wisely throughout his 36 years on the bench. “He...
New fund helps put mission into action Jane Allison started her consulting business, Dovetail Community, in 2017 with the goal of helping corporations and others find ways of aligning their...
A local group of women joined forces and established the Women’s Trust of Hamilton, Burlington and District – the first local women’s foundation in Canada. The Women’s Trust is a...
After 51 years behind the wheel, cab owner and driver James Sinclair Wilson had earned the affectionate title, “King of the Cabbies” bestowed by his peers in the industry. A...
After attending Adelaide Hoodless Elementary School and Delta Collegiate, Jack Alfred Winser worked at this father’s firm, Quaker City Chemical, which supplied soaps to the textile and tanning industries. He...
Albert Edward Walters was born in England in September, 1912 which, he often noted, was the same year that the Titanic went down. His mother died when he was...
In the spring of 2000, one of the largest charitable donations in Canadian history was made to the Hamilton Community Foundation – transforming our organization’s resources and ability to respond...
Kenneth Young first dropped in to Hamilton Community Foundation with a list of questions about HCF’s accounting methods and investment practices. Only after he was completely satisfied that the Foundation’s...
When Kent Newcomb, Hamilton Community Foundation’s former President (also immediate past Chairman of Community Foundations of Canada) presided over a national conference in Calgary, he heard young people from several...