
Ways to give

At HCF, we offer a variety of giving options that allows you to achieve your philanthropic goals and help meet community needs.


Cheques should be made payable to Hamilton Community Foundation, noting the fund you wish to support in the memo line. Cheques can be dropped off to our office during business hours. Or to donate by mail, please send a cheque to the Foundation at:

Hamilton Community Foundation
700 – 120 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8P 4V2

Credit card

You can make a credit card donation online or by calling 905.523.5600 ext 253. You can make a one-time donation or monthly donation.

Donating securities

Securities can be easily donated to Hamilton Community Foundation. The tax receipt’s value is established as the closing price on the date the transfer takes place. To initiate your donation of securities, please reach out to or 905.523.5600 X 253 to receive our form.

Life insurance

You can donate an existing policy or purchase a new one, and name HCF as the owner and beneficiary. When you name HCF as the beneficiary of your life insurance, we can provide a tax receipt.


You can easily name HCF as the sole or partial beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), and offset the taxes that would be payable on your estate.

Donating through your will

A donation through your will enables you to plan now for the legacy you want to create – one that reflects your life, values and the community issues that are important to you. Learn more.

Learn more about giving at HCF:

    Contact Us

    Learn more here or contact, 905.523.5600 X 253 or fill out the below form.