Catherine Anne Gretton

Catherine Gretton

Catherine Gretton was not easily intimidated. In Sudbury in 1978, when her husband was a company representative on the negotiating committee during a long strike at the Inco nickel mines, the union staged a rally and started making its way to her home. Worried, her husband Wally called to warn her to stay away from the windows when the mob arrived. Instead, Catherine dashed to the front porch with her camera and snapped photos that were later scooped up by the national papers. Her explanation? “They came for attention and I gave it to them!”

Born in 1928 in Hamilton, Catherine grew up as an only child during the Depression. Those early years had two lasting effects on her, said her son John – she remained frugal and friendly all her life. “With just my brother Tom and me, our family was small but it was never lonely because she loved to make big meals, play bridge and entertain. On Christmas Eve we often had parties for 50 or more.”

A graduate of Delta Collegiate and Hamilton Business College, Catherine worked for the Hamilton Harbor Commission and later as a real estate agent. For several years she volunteered on the Board of the YWCA and had a special interest in the cause of children and battered women. “She wrote many angry letters of protest to the Nestle company when it promoted formula over breast milk in Third World countries,” John recalls.

Catherine and Wally, who married in 1956, shared the belief that involving children in organized sports develops character and confidence. Wally played water polo and was a competitive swimmer, coached by Jimmy Thompson. He felt it had created opportunities he might not have had otherwise. Tom explained that both his parents wanted to help an organization that would give deprived children a similar chance. Catherine’s bequest to the Hamilton Community Foundation has been placed in the Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth in Recreation Fund.

Excerpt from 2000-2001 Annual Report

Dr. Ronald P. Graham Fund

Dr. Ronald Graham

Dr. Ronald Graham’s illustrious 50-year association with McMaster University touched every aspect of campus life. He served as the university’s first bedel, sat on the Senate, chaired the department of chemistry, was named Dean of Science for Hamilton College and later became Dean of Science Studies.

The Ottawa-born chemist arrived at McMaster in 1942, after completing his Ph.D. at Columbia University in New York. During the Second World War he carried out classified research on methods for defending against chemical warfare. Students recall that while he was often intimidating in the classroom, admonishing them to observe, measure and write with care. Outside the lecture hall, he dropped the stern persona to reveal a warm, caring side.

Dr. Graham’s nephew, Michael Etherington of Oakville, recalls that his uncle was an incredible communicator and storyteller. “He had an eloquent turn of phrase reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s style of writing. His words really meant something. His letters were keepsakes not only for what they said, but because he had the most elegant handwriting.” He said, adding that his uncle was a very private man with a wonderful sense of humour.

Along with the Foundation, several charities were remembered in Dr. Graham’s will.

Excerpt from 1995-1996 Annual Report

David Gow

David Gow was not a wealthy man, but he really believed in giving back to the community where he lived and worked. He was a volunteer for dozens of organizations in Hamilton, and was recognized as Citizen of the Year in 1992. When he died in 1999, he left several bequests, including a legacy to the Hamilton Community Foundation.

From his involvement as a board member of our Foundation, he knew that an unrestricted gift to the Community Fund would help not only the scores of organizations that he cared about, but many others in the fields of social services, arts and culture, health, education, environment and recreation. Since his death, the Foundation has made grants from the Community Fund to foodbanks, women’s shelters, and arts organizations that were dear to David, along with many other groups.

David also knew that needs and opportunities change in a community over time. His gift, combined with many other unrestricted gifts to the Community Fund, provides the flexibility that allows us to respond to community needs today and changing future needs.

Excerpt from 1998-1999 Annual Report

Alice Redman Gooch Fund

Alice Redman Gooch

Blunt-spoken and fiercely independent, but with the softest of hearts, Alice Redman Gooch enjoyed life to the fullest throughout her almost 92 years.

The daughter of an inventor, Mrs. Gooch was educated in the United States but settled in the St. Catharines area. She had some inherited wealth but also worked as an interior decorator, and started a packaging and storage service for frozen goods. She was married only briefly and had no children.

Her friend Maureen Raham remembers with admiration a woman who could fly a plane, produce beautiful needlework, drive a sizeable motorboat, and who once took a mechanic’s course so she could make sure “no one will pull a fast one on me” when she took her beloved Cadillac in for service. She also remembers her friend’s love of community, her many volunteer efforts, and her quiet financial assistance to both organizations and individuals.

Alice Gooch planned her estate with community interests in mind. Back in 1990 she took out an insurance policy and made Hamilton Community Foundation the beneficiary. When she died in July 2004, other beneficiaries of her estate included the Niagara Community Foundation, Brock University, Niagara Children’s Safety Village, St. Catharines General Hospital and the Niagara Peninsula Children’s Centre.

Excerpt from 2004-2005 Annual Report

Alice Mary Glassco

Alice Glassco

Dubbed ‘Freddie’ by a childhood friend, Alice Mary Glassco continued to be known affectionately by the nickname by generations of grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friends. The third of six children, Alice Mary Balfour was born October 28, 1917 into a family well-established in the wholesale grocery distribution business.

Alice was educated at Strathallan on Robinson Street (before the present day Hillfield-Strathallan College) and Compton in Montreal, followed by a year in Switzerland. She was a spirited young woman with a good sense of humour. Family lore has it that, as young girls, she and two sisters drove a cow downtown from their home on the Mountain.

Freddie had a great talent for oil painting and her teacher, well-known Canadian artist Frank Panabaker, once remarked that she was his best student and showed great promise. During the Second World War, Alice performed various duties for the Red Cross including driving one of their trucks (unusual for the time) and took pride in the fact that the Duke of Kent visited the Hamilton Branch to congratulate them on their contribution to the war effort. On January 31, 1942, she married Colin Stinson Glassco, a Lieutenant Commander in the Canadian Navy. After brief stints in Vancouver and Edmonton, the couple returned to Hamilton to raise their family on Markland Street – where she lived for 54 years until her death on September 22, 2000.

Her sons Roger and Colin remember a woman completely devoted to her family: “Not only did she support everything we did, our mother had a close association with 27 nieces and nephews and was popular with all of them. She was down to earth, an excellent judge of character, and a loyal friend. She had a warm, generous nature. Nothing gave her more pleasure than to think of some way to offer help to people, whether in the form of a warm welcome to new neighbours, or a gift – often a valuable, personal memento. She especially loved children: her own grandchildren and also the many other children she encountered throughout her life. Her house was always a favourite on Halloween.”

Alice Mary Glassco left a gift to the Foundation in memory of her husband, Colin, who served on the Hamilton Community Foundation Board in the 1970s. Her bequest will be added to the Ontario Endowment Fund for Children and Youth in Recreation. In addition to the Foundation, she also remembered the Red Cross, the Victorian Order of Nurses, Christ’s Church Cathedral, Hillfield-Strathallan College, and the Salvation Army.

Excerpt from 2000-2001 Annual Report

Tara Lynn Giuliani Memorial Fund

Tara Lynn Giuliani

 Tara Giuliani was admired by all for her courage and determination to finish her education despite the onset of blindness resulting from diabetes. Tara had developed diabetes at the age of three and had always known that blindness was a danger, but thought it would occur gradually. However, during her first year at the University of Guelph, her sight began to deteriorate rapidly and after a sixth operation, just after her 21st birthday, she woke up blind. She was determined to go back to school and learned to write essays on tape, use a talking computer and read Braille. She also found the perfect guide dog to help her navigate the campus and community.

The daughter of Justine and Rick Giuliani, Tara was a graduate of Nelson High School in Burlington. When she died at 25 from diabetic complications, a tremendous outpouring of admiration and sympathy resulted in more than 150 donations to a fund established in her memory.

The fund provides annual support to several organizations which were important to Tara as she coped with her illness – Ave Maria Place, Canine Vision Canada, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital and the University of Guelph where a bursary will be given to a student with disabilities.

Excerpt from 1994-1995 annual Report

Richard & Justine Giuliani Fund

Rick and Justine Giuliani

Rick and Justine Giuliani

Justine and Rick Giuliani began their association with Hamilton Community Foundation a decade ago, when their eldest daughter was living with the severe complications of juvenile diabetes and they began to explore establishing a fund in her honour.

“We had about two years to prepare for Tara’s death,” says Justine, “and we talked to her about everything – what her funeral would be like, what the memorial fund would support, and what difference it would make to others. Now, every year on her birthday we award the grants from her fund. We reduce the sadness on that day by celebrating her life and supporting the organizations that were important to her.”

The Tara Lynn Giuliani Memorial Fund was created with hundreds of memorial donations in 1994. Every year since then, it has funded scholarships for deserving visually-impaired University of Guelph students and grants to other groups that Tara cared about, such as the Diabetes Association and Guide Dog Training through Canine Vision.

“We had some specific ideas about how we wanted to honour Tara’s life and we were really pleased with the way the Foundation accommodated our needs,” says Rick. “Our experience ever since has been extremely positive.”

Both Rick and Justine have recently started new funds at HCF. The new R.K. (Rick) Giuliani Fund will be built up over time through a combination of donations and capitalization of a portion of the fund’s income. His wide-ranging charitable interests include church, university, hospice care, and many other causes. Administration of the fund is “a cruise control kind of thing,” he says. “We turn all the details over to the professionals at the Foundation but still have input into what groups we support.”

Rick Giuliani is well known in Hamilton/Burlington as a leader in the financial services industry and in many community organizations. He has spent 40 years with Great-West Life. As a financial advisor, Rick raises the topic of philanthropy with many of his associates and clients, bringing Hamilton Community Foundation and other charities to their attention. He encourages other advisors to do the same.

“I’m a believer that whatever we have is a gift. We’ve been blessed and we should be doing something good with some of our assets and income. One of the most gratifying things one can do is embark on the path of philanthropy. When you see your fund make its gifts to worthy charities every year, the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment is difficult to match. A perpetual fund certainly completes my life and allows me to catch up on my tithing.”

In addition to many causes Rick and Justine share, Justine’s fund will also support the arts – reflecting her career as a painter and her commitment to the healing power of artistic expression in all its forms, including dance, poetry and theatre. Justine is an accredited and highly respected professional artist who has worked in Burlington for the last 30 years. For the past five years she has been working to spread the concept of the labyrinth as a relaxation, spiritual, and healing tool. She has become a Certified Labyrinth Facilitator and is in the process of creating a permanent labyrinth in Burlington’s Central Park, which she intends to support through her fund.

Justine believes that we must experience life to the fullest and learn the lessons of life’s journey, finding the personal higher purpose that helps us understand and appreciate life more completely. “Life is about sharing your gifts and talents,” she says, “and encouraging others to share their gifts and to develop their potential.”

Excerpt from Fall 2003 Newsletter

Daniel Giannini Fund

Daniel Giannini

“I believe in helping a worthy person who doesn’t have the means,” Daniel Giannini said, reflecting on the main reason he has established a fund for bursaries to assist medical students. “My wife, Cecely, and I appreciate the value of education, and it gives me a lot of pleasure to help a deserving student.” He decided to start a fund during his lifetime to help students who need financial assistance. He credits the Foundation’s annual report, with its donor profiles, for the fund’s inspiration.

“I knew some of the people who had made donations and I was impressed overall with the organization.” A former miner in Kirkland Lake, Mr. Giannini met his wife in Australia while on a two-year mining contract. When the Second World War broke out, he enlisted with the Royal Canadian Engineers, and served five years in Italy, England and Gibraltar. Later, he joined the life insurance business and 44 years ago came to Burlington with Empire Life.

While cruising to far off places and golf have been favourite activities, Mr. Giannini’s passion is the stock market. The Hamilton community has been very good to him, he explains, and the Fund is his way of recycling the fruits of his success so that others have an opportunity to pursue their dreams. “Of all the things I’ve accomplished in my life, the initiation of this fund at the Foundation is the one I’m most proud of” he said as the arrangements were made.

Excerpt from 1997-1998 Annual Report

The Ron and Gina Fraser Fund

Ron-Gina-Fraser Gina Fraser wants to invest in the future by helping young people, who would not otherwise have the opportunity, to pursue a career in the trades. She turned to Hamilton Community Foundation to help her carry out that vision.

Though they had no children of their own, Gina and her late husband Ron had what she calls a “soft spot” for kids, and shared a passion for helping disadvantaged youth to pursue education. They established bursaries to support local students, and fellowships in health sciences. Gina has maintained an interest in many of the young people and their careers over the years. But her interest in skilled trades has a special significance, because of Ron’s long career as a president and CEO in the home construction industry.

“University isn’t for everyone,” says Gina. “Tradespeople built our country and it can be a really interesting and rewarding career. Many young people have a natural instinct for the trades, but they may not be aware of those instincts or know that there is a good living to be made until they experience expert guidance and training.” Gina has known about the Foundation for many years, but her interest was piqued by a story in an HCF publication about a grant to the Threshold School of Building, providing youth with training in home construction and renovation.

“I knew what I wanted to do,” says Gina, “but until I saw that story I just didn’t know how to make it happen.”

Gina established The Ron and Gina Fraser Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation as a tribute to Ron and to carry out her philanthropic goals. Her intent is to establish a bursary for young people wanting to study the trades. Meeting with HCF’s grants team provided her with knowledge of the importance of engaging kids early so they are exposed to the options before finishing high school.

As a result, last summer, the first grant from the fund supported an innovative pilot project at Mohawk College’s Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Research, Resources and Training Institute. It combined education summer jobs, mentoring and fun. Bringing together partners from the college and the YMCA, it gave 12 youth from a low-income neighbourhood the opportunity to learn about and experience a number of trades.

Gina Fraser couldn’t be happier. “You might think that it would be simple for kids to enter the trades as a career, but they often don’t even know it’s an option. This fund will help to open that door.”

Excerpt from 2009-2010 Annual Report

The Foxcroft Family Youth Fund


Ron Foxcroft knows the value of sport. It has opened doors for him in business and in life. He wants that chance for all kids.

Owner of Hamilton-based Fluke Transportation Ltd. and Fox40 International Inc., Ron’s legendary community support has been recognized with many awards, among them 1997 Hamilton Citizen of the Year, and an Honorary Doctor of Laws from McMaster University.

Ron is also renowned as a professional basketball referee. That career spanned 35 years and 1600 games in 30 countries – including the 1976 Olympic Gold Medal game – and earned him a place in both the Canadian and the Ontario Basketball Hall of Fame. In 2007, REFEREE magazine named Ron one of the “52 Most Influential Officials in North America.” He also invented the revolutionary Fox 40 Pealess Whistle.

“There wouldn’t be a Fox 40 whistle without the mentors and coaches I had growing up,” Ron says. “It was from them that I learned teamwork and leadership.”

Research supports Ron’s personal experience. Quality recreational activities lead to “a lifetime of better health, increased self esteem, social and leadership skills,” in the words of McMaster University’s Dr. Gina Browne. Opportunities like camp, playgroups, swimming lessons, and team sports help children improve their academic performance, increase their social skills, and develop a sense of belonging. Especially important, high-risk behaviour goes down.

But for some children, access to recreation is limited. Cost can be prohibitive. Transportation is often a barrier. Children of new Canadians can face cultural or social hurdles.

Ron, his wife Marie, and their sons Steve, Dave and Ronnie aim to break down those barriers through The Foxcroft Family Youth Fund. It will also help with the huge number of donation requests Ron’s companies receive.

The Fund is working closely with HCF’s Ontario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation Fund, which Ron chaired when it was established with challenge funding from the province and matching funds from local donors. “I realized then that the community foundation is the jewel of Hamilton,” Ron says. “Working with the Foundation, I know our family can maximize our impact for youth.”

Excerpt from 2007-2008 Annual Report